Alexander Technique for Dressage Riders Weekend Workshops
“The Alexander Technique is one of the most valuable tools a rider can possess.”
Carl Hester, Olympic Dressage Rider
The Well-Carried Rider Workshop
A typical Weekend workshop begins Friday evening with a basic introduction to the Alexander Technique and how it can be applied to Dressage.
Workshops continue Saturday with a full day of practice on the ground and on the longe line. We explore movement and posture through sitting, standing, walking and lying down. Students discover a new “way of going” by learning to go "through the back" and use a better balance of the head/neck relationship. We work on a wooden saddle horse where riders can try out what they’ve learned without the complications of a horse moving underneath them. Students progress to the longe line, where they practice these new skills with the movement of the horse. Finally on Sunday, students will have the opportunity to integrate new skills and knowledge while riding off the longe. Riders receive plenty of individual attention and guidance from the teacher’s hands both on the horse and off.
Tentative workshop hours:
Friday 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 4:00
Sunday 9:00 – 1:00
Class Size: 6 – 8 Students Fee: $600
Alexander Technique Lecture/Demonstrations
Introductory lectures and demonstrations can be scheduled for groups. During a clinic a lecture/demonstration is scheduled for when most riders can attend.
Alexander Technique Lessons Coordinated with a Dressage Clinic
Then individual Alexander lessons are set up during clinic hours, preferably before the rider’s lesson with the clinician.
Lessons take place in an office or indoor space that can be equipped with a wooden horse (saddle stand) and a massage table.
Alexander longe lessons can also be scheduled after the initial lesson on the ground.
Private lessons: $135